
Loving Boundaries For Young Horses

Boundaries are so important in our relationship with horses. It is a difficult topic and one of the most challenging things to do consistently and in a fair way for most horse owners.

Whenever I set a boundary to my horse, my motivation behind is always the love for my horse.

I want my horse to be able to live comfortably in our human's world. I want it to be easy for my horse to deal with all the restrictions that come with living in our world.

Loving a horse doesn’t mean that I let him do whatever he wants to do. Loving my horse means most importantly to ensure his long term safety and happiness. 

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Young Horse Education - 4 innate ways of learning

Young Horse Education - young Shagya mare explores the bridge

We wish to do everything right with our youngsters. This can be a big burden on our shoulders. Young horses learn a lot of everyday things “by the way.” Learn how you can direct and shape your young horses learning experiences into a good direction by knowing the 4 ways of innate learning.

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Foal Education - Maserati conquers his fear of water [Slideshow]

How can I prepare my young horses that they won’t be afraid of water later? Every rider knows it: the horses fear of water puddles. Some horses really freak out at the sight of the shiny, reflecting and wet surfaces. During the last weeks we had a lot of rain and a little lake built in the field of my horses.

I took advantage of it and showed my young horses Tara and Maserati how much fun they can have with water.

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Foal Education - How to Set Healthy Boundaries for Your Foal [Slideshow]

Gabi Neurohr Foal Education - Mathilde gets crowded by two foals

Foals are wonderful - there is (almost) nothing better in the world. At least for me. But they are playful, they try to bite, can be invasive, kick and rear if we don’t pay attention. Setting boundaries can be hard at times, especially when it is about cute foals. What does it take to set boundaries in fairness and without emotions on both sides?

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Young Horse Education - Tara Learns Trailer Loading [Slideshow]

Gabi Neurohr Young Horse Education - Shagya filli Tara in the horse truck

After I had done different preparations for Trailer loading with Tara, she was ready for the next step. With good preparations, trailer loading can become so easy - even for a very young horse. Tara is learning that loading into a vehicle is nothing to be afraid of, but a skill she can master with ease. 

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